I read the articles. I feel the outrage, sometimes, more often than not, a sense of powerlessness. I share the link on my Facebook page. The next day brings another article. The prior article is stored somewhere in my brain, maybe retrieved at some point, or just taking up space. And nothing really seems to come of any of it. I'm informed, so what? And all of this is taking my focus and attention from what? I am beginning to see the revolving wheel and find myself making little squeaking noises as I move my little legs trying to keep up with the revolving wheel. . .In truth, why do I give the political landscape of this country so much of my time? What does any of it have to do with this day, the coolness in the air, the blue pinon jays, the beautiful mountains in the distance, my love for my friends and family? I know what some people will say and I understand their point of view. But I grow weary from living in fear; terrorists, disease, no social security, pollution, arctic melt down, the end of the world! I have turned off the television a while back, now I guess I have to break the addiction to Facebook and other "social networks." May I please just go through my day without fear, anxiety, a sense of powerlessness? I am not afraid of dying and if we're stupid enough the destroy the world, or at least our existence on it, then so what? I am not going to let that disrupt my being here now in Santa Fe where by my choices and the kindness of others I am in a house surrounded by incredible beauty and. . .quiet. . .peace. I even took down the wind chimes this morning, their incessant "chiming" was annoying. I prefer the sound of birds. I have spent a great deal of time lately trying to be more conscious of my choices, those acts of power I make every day, all the time. More and more I am asking what are the choices I can make so I will find beauty, quiet, and peace? Selfish? maybe, but I also am asking if I want to be an example for others what would I want to exemplify? Someone who understands that the disorienting cacophony, the white noise, the buzzing that comes from six billion people living one planet, need not disturb my quiet. I choose to live in my reality and here there is no interest in Kim Kardashian, or tea party rallies, Keith Olbermann (who I like) the side effects of a medication I might never need. It took me a long time to give myself permission not to participate, to actively, consciously exercise my power to choose and through those choices to construct my own reality. It took me a long time to understand that life wasn't something that just happened to me and I am where I am today because of choices I made, I made. And today I am choosing to say no to the rancor of the political discourse. I know we have MSNBC and they have Fox, we have our pundits, they have theirs. I root for our side and they root for theirs, but nothing there really accomplishes anything but create jobs for political pundits and, if I let it, fuel my outrage, disturb my equanimity, give me a sense of powerlessness. Today I say no. Goodbye to all that.